A Jew and famed author is warning Christians are in danger.
He says they are targeted by secular leftists.
They want to destroy Christianity in America.
Persecution against Christians is already happening.
It can get far worse.
David Horowitz exposes the truth in his bestseller . . .
Christianity, once the backbone of America’s civilized “Judeo-Christian” society, is under cruel and relentless attack.
Now a famous author and leading Jewish-American is speaking out.
David Horowitz warns that left-wing activists, working in tandem with Democrats and radicals, are attempting to tear down our religious freedoms.
is a noted conservative commentator and New York Times bestselling author of Big Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America. He is the founder and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center in Los Angeles.
They are waging a war against Christians in court and the media.
Their goal: to destroy Christianity in America.
Sounds unbelievable?
Think again.
Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America
is David Horowitz’s extraordinary look into the left’s calculated efforts to create a godless, heathen American society.
Horowitz says efforts must be stopped.
He argues that even Jews — and anyone who believes in God — will be in danger if Christians are not protected.
Already some extreme fringe groups are resorting to horrific violence to kill innocent, God-fearing worshippers, sometimes in their own churches.
Horowitz is a New York Times bestselling author and leading conservative thinker.
You have seen him on Fox News, Newsmax, CNN, and all the major networks.
Dark Agenda
shows how liberals and their radical allies envision a new millennium in which Christianity is banished.
Horowitz argues that Judeo-Christian values are at the very root of America’s democracy and success.
Kill off such values and all of our freedoms could perish.
Everybody could be in danger.
Dark Agenda,
Horowitz tells for the very first time of his secret meeting with acclaimed social critic and notorious atheist Christopher Hitchens, author of the religion-bashing God Is Not Great, and the surprising things Hitchens revealed to him.
Horowitz also reveals that the battle over abortion is much more than the right of “choice,” but about an agenda to stop Christians from advocating for their most basic rights.
Horowitz also says Donald Trump’s “genuine love for his country” galvanized Christians to fight the secular war waged against them — as Pres. Trump became a lightning rod for the radical left.
He also warns that Obama was the mastermind of the anti-Christian left, and now many of his acolytes are working with Biden-Harris to re-implement their dangerous agenda.
Dark Agenda,
Horowitz reveals:

- The real agenda of the “New Atheism” and how they used a war on radical Islam after 9/11 to begin an attack on Christianity. (Chapter 1, Page 7)
- The true plan of “progressives” to substitute themselves for God. (Chapter 3, Page 29)
- The shocking way Congress scrubbed every mention of God from the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center. (Chapter 4, Page 37)
- Why the left fights to keep prayer out of public schools, and how those efforts fly in the face of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson’s intentions. (Chapter 5, Page 32)
- The real story of Obama’s relationship with Saul Alinsky, a man who openly said Lucifer was his role model. (Chapter 10, Page 128)
- The true facts about Donald Trump’s faith — and the real reason evangelical Christians and Catholics are rallying behind him. (Chapter 12, Page 98)
- What happened when the Declaration of Independence was written and there was a disagreement over God! (Chapter 4, Page 27)
- The shocking and violent manifesto of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, who even advocated using dynamite to promote “revolutionary solidarity.” (Chapter 7, Page 47)
- The mind-numbing reasons behind the secular left’s smug disdain for Christians. (Chapter 1, Page 5)
- The twisted logic behind the writings of evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, whose book The God Delusion maintains that post-Darwinian scientific advances have rendered any belief in God irrational and unnecessary. (Chapter 1, Page 8)
- And SO MUCH MORE . . .

And there is much, much more in David Horowitz’s powerful book.
Dark Agenda
brings vital insights into the war against Christianity and names the global radicals, leftist Democrats, and fat cats of Hollywood and Wall Street responsible for it.
Finally, a clear and sensible American voice — one that is Jewish — stands up to the twisted rantings of the secular left.
But he goes beyond what we know in
Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America.
David Horowitz makes an impassioned plea warning of the grave danger to our freedoms and our very lives if we let the secularists win and Christianity is destroyed.
It can happen if we don’t fight them, he says.
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