100 Years Later:
The Enduring Legacy of JFK
A century has passed since the birth of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Cautious, yet confident, he captured the hopes of a new generation of idealistic Americans. Like any great politician, Kennedy could be many things to many people. That wasn’t hypocrisy — that was the way a democratically elected leader got things done, and he was brilliant at it.
On a frigid day in January 1961, 43-year-old John F. Kennedy gave what many consider the greatest inaugural address in American history and the only one to deal exclusively with foreign policy. The new young president saw the threat of the Soviet Union as America’s greatest challenge, and he served notice that day that he would not be backing down.
“In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger,” he said. “I do not shrink from that responsibility.” Together with first lady Jackie Kennedy — a symbol of style, elegance, and enduring strength — the Kennedys set out to live up to the symbolism of "Camelot," as the White house was dubbed upon their entry. JFK would need all the strength he could muster, too, as he would face a world on the brink: The Cuban Missile Crisis tested the resolve of our nation like never before.
JFK was born into a well-heeled, politically connected family in Brookline, Mass. The centennial observation of his birth will no doubt provide the occasion for widespread speculation over how different the world might have been but for the shocking assassination that occurred on Nov. 22, 1963, just 1,037 days into his presidency.
Newsmax's May edition provides in-depth analysis of JFK's time in office, from his policies to his political leanings.
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David Horowitz is one of the nation’s foremost conservative commentators and a mentor to many of Trump’s key advisors. In his new book, Horowitz reveals the new president’s key priorities, detailing his agenda for the first 100 days to defeat the progressive agenda Obama sought to impose on America.
Big Agenda presents a White House battle plan to halt the Democrat’s march to extinguish the values America holds dear.
Big Agenda details President Trump’s likely moves, including his:
- First wave of executive orders — Restoring Guantanamo, Keystone XL, nixing amnesty
- Surprising judicial appointments — Supreme Court and the federal judiciary
- Radical changes to federal rules & regulations — Obamacare, EPA overreach, and a New Deal for black America.
With the House and Senate in GOP hands, and a Supreme Court soon to follow, President Trump will have a greater opportunity than even Ronald Reagan to reshape the American political landscape while securing the nation’s vital security interests abroad.
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But he writes that the GOP and Trump must recognize they are not fighting policy ideas, but an ideology — a progressive one with a radical agenda to stop Trump in an effort to reduce America’s power and greatness.
Big Agenda is a rallying cry and indispensable guide in how to claim ultimate victory for the conservative cause.
Horowitz writes, “One battle is over, but there are many more to come. This book is a guide to fighting the opponents of the conservative restoration. It identifies who the adversaries are — their methods and their motivations. It describes their agenda — not merely the particular issues with which they advance their goal, but the destructive goal itself. And it lays out a strategy that can defeat them.”
Here's just a sampling of what you'll discover in Big Agenda:
- Obama’s secret “deep state” of loyal aides still in office plotting to destroy Trump! See page 7.
- Trump's plan to 'Make America Great Again' abroad — putting China in its place, Iran on notice and backing friends like Israel.
- The order to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem — and how it will shock the world. See page 142
- A radical new tax plan will spur economic growth to levels not seen since President Reagan! See page 77
- Trump's coming war with ISIS and how it will change the Mid-East forever.
- Why Trump is turning the tables on the liberal media. Page 11.
- How "socialist" Democrats are mainstreaming into America. What you must watch out for . . . on page 28.
- Trump's plan to end the racial divide and Democratic ownership of the Black vote — he really has a plan. Why the left applauds this. The grim details start on page 50.
- The 9 words Obama removed from the Oath of Allegiance to the United States (it's bad) — and why Trump will fix it soon. Read about it on page 57.
- The end of the public unions! This is a key cornerstone of Trump's plan — and it will create a political revolution in America.
- Why the Iran deal is bad for America . . . and the completely legal strategy Trump will use to restore America's sovereignty. See page 56.
- The Achilles' heel of the Democrats and how Trump will use his "New Deal" to exploit it. The Democrats may never win another presidential election. Details on page 86.
- The one theme that can unite America: Trump's 3-step strategy to end the Democrats' assault on American values. You must read page 141.
- The 21 major predictions about Pres. Trump — 11 have already come true and 10 will happen soon! Find out on page 154.
- The gun rights roll back: Obama tried to flatten the Second Amendment. Trump has a surprising gun rights plan. Page 158.
- Education overall: Trump's new plan to make America great again through our classrooms — and end student indoctrination!
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