Report: Biden’s Inflation Could Wreck Stocks, U.S. Economy

The American economy is in shambles thanks to the takeover of the White House by big-spending Democrats — and as Newsmax Magazine reveals in its Special Report, the result is hyperinflation. And it’s already here!

In Newsmax Magazine’s Special Report “Your Incredibly Shrinking Dollar: Joe Biden’s Policies —Massive Debt. Hyperinflation,” we investigate the tremendous dangers ahead.

Written by famed author and former Wall Street Journal editorial board member John Fund, the Newsmax report warns of a coming “Stagflation” that is about to hit the U.S. economy.

Just like the 1970s under Jimmy Carter, America will see prices rise, the value of their dollars eviscerated, and economic growth coming to a grinding halt.

This issue also includes:

  • Dick Morris analysis of why Biden will be severely hurt by 2024, paving the way for a Trump return to the White House
  • How stocks could suffer the most, as investors flee the market
  • Why debt may become popular, as investors and companies seek to owe money that’s paid back in cheap, inflated dollars
  • How Biden’s climate change policies are already crippling the U.S. energy industry — another factor in rising gasoline prices
  • Why chronic unemployment — once at record lows under President Trump — will become unsolvable under President Biden
  • The dangerous road for the Fed: how the Federal Reserve faces a perilous decision to keep rates low and let inflation grow OR raise rates to slow inflation — but kill the economy. What they decide could determine your stock wealth for the next 10 years!

And there’s plenty more in this information-packed issue of Newsmax Magazine:

  • America Before the Storm: Award-winning historian Craig Shirley remembers the carefree summer of 2001 — our final months of innocence as a nation before the horror of the 9/11 attacks. It’s a nostalgic and sobering look at a year we hope can never be repeated. (Page 48)
  • Red States Rebel Against The Biden Agenda: An explosive take on conservative America’s growing anger and resentment over the Biden administration’s ultra-liberal policies they say are hurting the nation. (Page 10)
  • The Debate Over Vaccine Passports: Are Americans about to be hit with yet another invasion of privacy courtesy of Uncle Sam: a mandatory vaccine passport? We look at both sides of the coin — those who insist that without the passport, COVID-19 could spread further and kill even more people, and those who believe such an ID will further erode Americans’ right to privacy by allowing sensitive medical information to be revealed. (Page 12)
  • Media Fact-Checkers Eat Their Words: Marisa Herman reveals how the media has suddenly flip-flopped on its views about the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the virus exploded in 2020 and President Trump pointed out the strong possibility it was created in a lab in Wuhan, China, the media pounced on him like vultures. But they’ve now changed their tune as more and more damning evidence appears to validate Trump’s belief. Can you say: hypocrites? (Page 14)
  • The Scandalous Low Pay of American Teachers: Matthew Lysiak reports on the growing movement to give America’s public school teachers a substantial raise, without which many will have to leave the professional or take other work to make ends meet. As we show you, what our educators are paid is appalling. But is higher pay in the future and are Americans ready to reward the hard-working instructors of their kids with more than just an apple a day? (Page 16)

PLUS there’s even more in this issue of Newsmax Magazine:

  • The Mystery Microwave Attacks That Threaten Our Military (Page 21)
  • The Damaging ‘Woke’ Culture of American Universities (Page 30)
  • Ben Stein on How Marijuana Harms Everyone Who Touches It (Page 32)
  • How Anti-Semitism Is Being Fueled by Mideast Unrest (Page 33)
  • The Priest Who Worked for Six Popes, Mother Teresa, and Padre Pio! (Page 34)
  • Will Trump’s Influence Over Republicans Hurt or Help the GOP? The answer will surprise you! (Page 36)
  • How Bureaucrats — Not Covid — Killed Small Business (Page 44)
  • Newsmax Picks for Your Summer Reading Enjoyment (Page 66)
  • 8 Ways to Save on Your Prescriptions (Page 74)
  • How to Reverse Heart Disease: a top cardiologist reveals the secret (Page 78)
  • How to Eat Your Way to Lower Blood Pressure (Page 84)
  • How Long Do Covid Vaccines Last? (Page 86)

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