The New GOP and Tim Scott
Why 2024 May Be Very Different

They’ve been called the future of the Republican Party.

They play key roles across the country.

And one day, one of these 11 superstars may become the president of the United States.

This issue of Newsmax Magazine give and in-depth look at Sen. Tim Scott in our cover story “11 GOP African-American Superstars.”

Award-winning columnist John Fund looks at how the influx of African-Americans in the GOP that began with Donald Trump — a movement that Newsmax says will have explosive results in both the 2022 and 2024 elections.

Fund explores the list of names starting with Sen. Tim Scott, the South Carolina Senator now talked about as a top-tier presidential candidate.

The Special Report also includes Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears, the fearless Va. lieutenant governor — and 9 more African-American Republicans who are all bold, impactful, and positively adding to the GOP.

You need to know these mover-and-shakers, they soon may be running the country.

In addition, Fund mentions additional “up and comers” in the GOP to watch, ranging from a police chief called “the toughest cop in America,” to the history-making new auditor general of Pennsylvania.

You can’t afford to miss “11 GOP African-American Superstars” in Newsmax Magazine. (Page 45)

And that’s only one of the many exceptional features you’ll read in this issue.

Here’s a sampling of some more great pieces:

  • Clayton B. Reid explains why issues like vaccine mandates, Big Tech surveillance, and the future of Trumpism are issues that we be crucial in 2022 elections and determine the future of America forever. (Page 13)
  • Learn why Biden’s vaccine mandates are akin to a “1984 Soviet-style plan,” and how big government is overreaching in their efforts to enforce vaccine mandates. (Page 20)
  • Former Ambassador Nancy Brinker spotlights how the Biden administration’s policies are undermining our energy security, with the consequences of fired workers and higher prices. (Page 22)
  • Get the inside scoop on what prominent former Trump aides like Sebastian Gorka, Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Mike Flynn are doing now as they adjust to life after the Trump administration. (Page 32)
  • Fmr. CIA expert Fred Fleitz warns of China’s plans to invade Taiwan in 2022, how China is exploiting Joe Biden’s weakness, and the disastrous consequences a Taiwan invasion will have for the entire world. (Page 38)
  • In an exclusive interview with Newsmax, Rush Limbaugh’s sidekick James Golden, aka Bo Snerdley, dives deep into his relationship with radio legend Rush Limbaugh, how Rush changed the Republican Party, and Rush’s impact on Trump and more. (Page 42)
  • Read New Year’s resolutions from your favorite Newsmax hosts, including Heather Childers and Eric Bolling. Plus, read the powerful resolution where one host resolves to read the Bible more often in 2022! (Page 64)

As usual, your favorite columnists are all here — Bill O’Reilly, Ben Stein, John Gizzi, Nancy Brinker, and Dr. Erika Schwartz — for all the latest in politics, global issues, and health trends.

That’s not all. This exciting issue of Newsmax Magazine also features:

  • How to cut your tax bills and other tax tips to “maximize the income you keep in your golden years” (Page 71)
  • The two stunning Italian hotels owned by Salvatore Ferragamo’s grandson, and how YOU can get there (Page 75)
  • 8 ways to avoid a heart attack in a drug-free way, including walking and eating more greens and fish (Page 76)
  • 5 ways to get your energy back, including tips on nutrition and exercise to boost your energy levels (Page 84)
  • Lynn Allison explores if immune-boosting foods really work or not, and how many Americans would consider buying foods that may boost immunity (Page 90)
  • Why omega-3s can ramp up blood flow and help you have a strong performance throughout your day (Page 92)
  • And there’s so much more!

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