Ron DeSantis and the
War for America’s Soul

Make no mistake about it: Our nation is in a civil war over our culture and very way of life — and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is at the frontlines.

Now Newsmax Magazine goes to the frontline of this war alongside Gov. DeSantis in our special report “Democrats Go Far Left . . . and Face a Reckoning This November.”

There’s no question that Democrats are increasingly finding themselves in the culture war crosshairs as they push for defunding the police, unrestricted abortions, open borders, critical race theory, gender studies for third graders and even younger, while seeking to strip parents of their most basic rights and religious freedoms.

As veteran journalist David A. Patten writes, “It’s clear that Democratic candidates face strong political headwinds in the midterms, with most analysts expecting them to lose the House, and quite possibly the Senate as well.”

But is that really a likelihood — or is it just a conservative pipe dream?

Newsmax Magazine profiles Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has fearlessly taken on the cultural left and is now rising fast as a contender in the 2024 presidential contest.

The Newsmax report is a no-holds-barred look at Ron DeSantis’ fight and his battle for our values — values that are being twisted, and what can be done about it.

This is a comprehensive Newsmax investigation that every American should read.

In this special report you will find out:

  • Disney’s real agenda to back the transgender lifestyle and why DeSantis had no alternative but to fight back
  • Mike Huckabee exposes Disney’s “creepy agenda” that goes well beyond Florida
  • The radical “trans world” agenda soon to include “transnationalism” and “transracialism” and worse, warns Deroy Murdock
  • The secret GOP polling data that proves voters are about to strike Democrats with a backlash for their cultural extremism
  • Why Fox News shocked its audience by embracing trangenderism (Caitlyn Jenner is just the beginning)
  • The Latino vote: why traditional values among this ethnic group could change the result for Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis in 2024!

PLUS: Look for these exclusive stories you’ll find only in Newsmax Magazine:

  • Greg Abbott: Kingmaker or King? — He’s the widely popular governor of Texas, but is Greg Abbott now eyeing the White House? Ruben Navarette investigates. (Page 12)
  • Federal Health Horror — The nation has lost faith in corrupt federal health regulators. (Page 14)
  • China’s Rx Menace — A shocking exposé on how drugs from China are killing thousands of Americans. (Page 16)
  • Musk-Dependent — How Elon Musk made his billions with the generous help of the U.S. government. (Page 20)
  • Ukraine’s Shock Warning — How the horrific war Ukraine finds itself in is a warning to the West about its own moral decay. (Page 22)
  • Stacey’s Money Grab — The inside story of how Stacey Abrams is raking in millions after her loss in the 2018 Georgia governor’s race. (Page 24)
  • Don’t Tell It to the Marines — Meet the group of retired Marine generals, furious over proposed changes in the elite U.S. military division, who are working to save its mission. (Page 26)
  • Trump Rally Secrets — Newsmax host John Bachman goes behind the scenes of former President Donald Trump’s standing-room-only “Save America” rallies across the U.S. (Page 34)
  • 50th Anniversary of Watergate — Bestselling author Jerry Oppenheimer looks at the third-rate burglary that ended the Nixon presidency. (Page 36)
  • Tea Party 2.0 or Rich Man’s Revenge? — The conservative insurgents who, backed by a wealthy donor, are shaking up a rural county in California. (Page 38)
  • Pulitzer Piffle — The misguided Pulitzer Prizes for “Russiagate” and how they’ve made a mockery of journalism. (Page 46)
  • The Queen Carries On — Britain’s Queen Elizabeth celebrates her platinum jubilee on the throne; we reveal her secret of success. (Page 50)
  • The Big Business of Panic — The soaring rate of home invasions has sparked a rush by Americans to build ultra-safe, state-of-the-art “panic rooms.” (Page 70)

Newsmax Magazine also includes all of your favorite columnists: Ben Stein, Bill O’Reilly, John Gizzi, Nancy Brinker, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, and Dr. Erika Schwartz.

And you won’t want to miss these other great stories in Newsmax Magazine:

  • Summer Reading 2022 — Nothing beats reading a good book at the beach! And here are Newsmax’s picks for the can’t-put-down titles you’ll love. (Page 44)
  • Sun Rises for Innovation — Here’s how our sun’s rays drive modern science and technology. (Page 69)
  • Feel Good, Pay Less! — Newsmax’s guide on how to get quality healthcare — without paying full price. (Page 76)
  • Golf! Spa! Eat! Then Repeat! — Ready for a relaxing, renewing low-key getaway? A weekend in Palm Springs will do the trick. (Page 78)
  • The Vitamin Advantage — Pick the multivitamin that’s best for you. (Page 80)
  • Fading Love Life? Here’s What to Do — Erectile dysfunction IS curable and we have the plan for you. (Page 86)
  • Berry, Berry Good — How dried goji berries protect against vision loss. (Page 90)
  • Air Fryers — A hot-ticket item for the 2022 kitchen. But are they all they’re cracked up to be? (Page 93)
  • The Cholesterol Cancelers — Meet the foods that are as effective as meds for lowering cholesterol. (Page 94)

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Free Digital Special Report — “Democrats Go Far Left . . . and Face a Reckoning This November” (A $7.99 Value — FREE!)

Democrats are increasingly finding themselves in the culture war crosshairs as they push for defunding the police, late-term abortions, open borders, and gender studies for third graders, while ignoring the erosion of parents’ rights and religious freedoms.

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