America at Crossroads

Presidential election a battle royale between
two irreconcilable worlds.

“The result will define America for years and possibly decades to come.”

It’s zero hour.

Never before has an election meant so much for so many.

And never before have Americans faced such stark differences.

With so much at stake, Newsmax has prepared an exclusive, special report — “America at the Crossroads” — covering every issue surrounding the candidates.

And Americans truly are at the crossroads.

On one side: a juggernaut of Democrat Obama-era operatives, Big Tech elites, Hollywood progressives, and the mainstream media set to change the American way of life — led by Vice President Kamala Harris.

Harris’ plan is a sweeping liberal agenda, designed to institute socialist polices:

  • Expand government reach by locking down diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives into daily life.
  • Stack the judicial system with judges and others to criminalize “wrong thinking” — and change the respected Supreme Court system in Democrats’ favor.
  • Wide open border as border czar Harris is set to welcome even more illegals to stuff Democrat voter rolls — destroying America’s way of life and providing a gateway for terrorists.
  • Eliminate private health insurance and institute a government-run nanny system guaranteed to devastate the U.S. healthcare system.

On the other: Republican faith, family, simple freedoms, and traditional values that conservatives hold dear — led by former President Donald Trump.

Trump’s promise to Make America Great Again is packed with America First values:

  • A paradigm shift for taxes in America, with lower taxes and fewer penalties for businesses.
  • Mass deportations for the illegals already here, and a lockdown on the border to prevent crimes including rape and murder.
  • A plan to wipe out crime that is overwhelming big and small cities alike.
  • An end to the “lawfare” plaguing the troubled judicial system that can target anyone and chokes free speech.

On the heels of two — two — assassination attempts, Trump remains steadfast in his determination to reclaim the White House in the name of freedom.

Trump is staunchly defended by Americans who have said enough is enough — and rolled up their sleeves to get the job done.

Newsmax Magazine is covering all angles in this zero hour election issue that is a must-read for every American.

This critical report — from author David A. Patten — lays bare the blueprint for GOP success.

Included, political adviser and Newsmax correspondent Dick Morris reveals the “fundamentally flawed” Harris, and Trump’s important plan to counter her strategy.

Have Democrats played by the rules?

When President Joe Biden’s fumbles, stumbles, and missteps were too much to ignore, Democrats did something unheard of.

They simply changed the playing field by inserting Harris as their standard-bearer.

Nothing to see here.

But there’s no hiding anymore.

Republicans are fighting back.

In this issue, Newsmax reveals a litany of stunning far-left idealism that few know:

  • Death row dismay — 86% of those polled had no idea Harris favored giving voting rights to death row inmates.
  • Health insurance hardship — 81% did not know Harris had supported replacing private insurance with government-run plans.
  • Bail bombshell — 78% never knew Harris favored bailing out violent George Floyd protesters back in 2020.

This doesn’t mean she will get her way.

Trump will make sure of that.

That’s why Newsmax is so important — and why you need this issue of Newsmax Magazine.

Will you be ready?

You will if you have Newsmax Magazine’s special election edition. You won’t get it anywhere else.

This edition covers a wide spectrum of issues important to you:

  • 2 Simple Questions to Ask Yourself This Election Day — It really comes down to these fundamental questions that every American must ask. (Page 8)
  • Trump Ahead on Issues That Matter Most — Traditional values, the economy, immigration  . . .  Trump simply trumps Harris. Pun intended. (Page 12)
  • Gen X Cancer Epidemic Slams Young Americans — Younger Americans are facing a deluge of cancer diagnoses. Alarm bells are ringing. (Page 16)
  • 8 Facts About Democrats and Republicans — The two camps are farther apart than ever before. Here’s why. (Page 22)
  • Judge Backs Tenant in Suit Over Noisy Parrots — An important case on individual rights and freedoms, as decency has gone to the birds. (Page 34)
  • Teachers Fight to Block Clean Nuclear Energy — Nuclear energy has a lot to offer: It’s clean, cheap, and available. So why the noise? (Page 26)
  • Birth Rate Drop Threatens Social Security, Medicare — Americans are having fewer babies. But that spells disaster for Social Security and Medicare. (Page 28)
  • Biden ‘Most Corrupt President in History’ — A special report from Oversight Committee Chair James Comer on Joe Biden’s devastating presidency. (Page 30)
  • Retirement Out of Reach for Many Working Americans — Americans are facing a stark reality: Retirement may not be attainable for many. (Page 34)
  • These 4 Seats Could Decide Who Runs the House — Control of the House of Representatives comes down to these four seats. Who will win? (Page 54)
  • Nigel Farage Turns Up the Heat on U.K. Conservatives — Conservatives in the U.K. are facing a backlash over their agenda. Here’s why. (Page 60)

This issue of Newsmax Magazine also features all of your favorite columnists, including Ben Stein, Bill O’Reilly, John Gizzi, Nancy Brinker, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, and Dr. Chris Iliades.

And you won’t want to miss these other great stories in the must-read issue of Newsmax Magazine:

  • Puerto Rico Paradise — It’s the Puerto Rico few know about — miles of picturesque sunset beaches, spectacular dining, and five-star accommodations. (Page 77)
  • SPECIAL HERITAGE SECTION What If: We’d Failed to Ratify the Constitution? — The Constitution is our most cherished document. Without it, freedoms would perish. (Page 82)
  • Fix Your Car Without Crashing Your Finances — Don’t fall prey to unscrupulous repair shops and pricy dealership fixes. A guide. (Page 86)
  • ‘Microwave’ Treatment Shrinks Thyroid Cancer Tumors — A breakthrough for thyroid cancer has medical professionals celebrating. (Page 90)
  • Create Your Own Program to Prevent Alzheimer’s — The dreaded dementia diagnosis doesn’t have to be your own. Make a plan today. (Page 92)
  • Blood Pressure Drug May Boost Chemo, Protect Heart — Doctors and medical professionals are discovering new ways to treat disease — and this one protects your heart. (Page 98)
  • Build Strong Bones for Life — Brittle bones doesn’t have to be an inevitable diagnosis. Start today to protect them. (Page 102)

Newsmax Magazine features the award-winning journalism and informative features America deserves.

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