Cowboy of comedy takes
on the woke world . . .
and it’s hysterical!

Cowboy of comedy takes on the
woke world . . . and it’s hysterical!

What in tarnation is going on in this country?

In a world gone mad, comedian, entertainer, and talk show host Chad Prather — the unapologetic American running for governor of Texas — knows what fed-up and frustrated Americans need . . .

A big ol’ laugh with a shot of kick-in-the-pants common sense.

A fast-talking Texas cowboy, Prather tells it like it is — P.C.-free — in his hysterical NEW book, Am I Crazy? An Unapologetic Patriot Takes on the Insanity of Today’s Woke World. Read it FREE.

Inside the pages of Am I Crazy?, the guy who proudly sports a “Just a regular dad trying not to raise a liberal” T-shirt rants on everything from politics and culture to cyber rage, trolls, and keyboard clowns to marriage, family and kids, teenage alien commandos, and a whole lot more.

Prather’s look at the demented drama being paraded around as normal will show you it’s just CRAZY!

Am I Crazy? is the
book for you if . . .

. . . you pine for the days when people weren’t offended by everything . . . inappropriate comedy was funny . . . the world loved Archie Bunker . . . and success came from hard work. If that sounds like you, then you’re going to love Am I Crazy?.

Inside this amusing, tell-it-like-it-is book, Prather takes a fun-loving, unapologetic look at:

  • What’s really going on in social media that’s fueling outrage. Page 6
  • Why “woke” is like a giant sore-like symptom of an intellectual disease destroying rational discourse. Here’s how to stop it! Pages 8-13
  • Fastest way to get illegals at the border to turn around and go home — his solution is brilliant! Page 15
  • 16-year-old voters? These kids think Tide Pods are tasty and Pelosi wants them to vote for elected officials. See what Prather has to say about this harebrained idea. Page 26
  • Why Washington’s powers that be had better get a grip before they get their tails kicked in the next election. Page 31

A FREE COPY of Am I Crazy? has been reserved in your name. Claim your FREE BOOK now. Click here.

Charlie Kirk, national radio host and founder of Turning Point USA, says . . .

“If you’re not sure whether to laugh or cry when you turn on the news, read this book . . . woke radicals have provided Chad with a ton of fodder for some amazing jokes.”

Throughout this big book of laughs, lectures, and lunacy, Prather shares his personal stories and witty observations on the explosion of insanity in society today — and inspires critical thinking about the state of our modern culture.

Am I Crazy? is your chance to let Chad Prather slice and dice their actions while taking you to the lighter side, where you’ll get a good laugh on account of their stupidity.

  • AOC’s wacky wisdom — or lack thereof — called out for all to see. Prather is sure you’ll be laughing all the way to the polls. Page 34
  • Why Colin Kaepernick is nothing but a sell-out who can’t be taken seriously. Page 40
  • Want to hurl every time you hear the name “Greta Thunberg”? Since you can’t pick on a kid and be P.C., here’s the secret to being brash without being a bully. Page 46
  • Let our country fall to hopeless boobs like Beto O’Rourke and let your gun rights slip away? Hell no! Page 52

When it comes to controversial groups or topics,
nothing’s off-limits in Am I Crazy?

For instance: If the mere thought of antifa makes you bristle, you’ll get a kick out of how Prather describes these thugs: “These deadbeat doofuses don’t have the upper body strength necessary to bench press a box of Wheat Thins!” Prather’s got an invitation for these leftist bootlickers and their bike locks you’re going to want to see page 59.

There’s so much more in this big book of truths and laughs — which is why, right now, Newsmax is giving you Am I Crazy? for FREE!

Claim your FREE BOOK now because you won’t want to miss:

  • This fast-talking funny cowboy’s take on reparations. Believe it or not, his sidesplitting solution involves AOC. Page 61
  • A side of censorship you never thought about and it’s scary. Page 65
  • Hillary Clinton for president again? Yes! Prather’s reason will have you jumping on the bandwagon, too. Page 76
  • Tribal rage: why it makes us all stupid — left and right — and when we’re stupid, this happens. Page 80
  • Ever heard of “electile” dysfunction? People are dumping family and friends as a result. See what this phenomenon is all about. Page 82
  • 5 ways to pinpoint if someone you know suffers with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Page 84
  • Ever wonder why the slightest mention of voter fraud makes the left go berserk? Page 87 reveals the truth few have the guts to say!

You haven’t heard a real downhome rant until you’ve heard Chad Prather talk about the insanity taking place today.

Am I Crazy? drops the rants on therapy hamsters (page 113) . . . tiger-owning Texans (page 115) . . . the crazy food lickin’ and spittin’ craze, why it’s happening, and what parents need to do in five words or less (page 119) . . . movie ticket and popcorn prices that make you feel like you need to sell a kidney on the black market (page 125) . . . skinny jeans (page 132) . . . and more!

Meet Chad Prather

Meet Chad Prather

An all-American southern Christian cowboy and an unapologetic comedian, musician, and talk show host, Chad Prather has a God-given gift to entertain and inspire and it’s made him a household name. Fans of the fast-talking, observational humorist have branded him the “modern-day Will Rogers,” but if you ask Prather, he’s “just an outspoken Texan with a good heart.” He is the host of BlazeTV’s The Chad Prather Show, and a social media sensation.


Just released, this 250-page volume contains the biggest collection of “Pratherisms” yet — just like those he’s famous for delivering from his truck in Texas. Now you can get them in one hysterical book that’s sure to raise eyebrows!

Order your FREE BOOK today — click here.

We’re absolutely convinced as you read it, you’ll be hootin’ and hollerin’ “YES! FINALLY, someone NAILED IT!”

Now, you can order this hardcover book from any bookstore or from Amazon . . . but why pay as much as $24.99 when Newsmax will give it to you FREE?

Am I Crazy? will have you pondering answers to questions like:

  • Why are we allies with Saudi Arabia when they’re a walking human rights violation? One word, and it’s not oil. Page 68
  • Should you really be worried about Bernie Sanders — or should you be more worried about the “After Bern”? Page 73
  • On Elizabeth Warren: why she has everything all backward and why she should consider smoking some of the good stuff. Page 79
  • Exactly why liberals won’t concede there may have been election fraud and resort to calling you a crazy, delusional racist instead. Page 87

(Hurry! Claim your FREE COPY of the just released Am I Crazy? from comedian and talk show host Chad Prather NOW . . . before the FREE copies we have in reserve are gone!)

  • People make you feel guilty for being successful? How to not feel like a “Judas” for chasing your dreams and making money. Page 99
  • Is the media just pushing their personal bias or is there something deeper at work? The big fix is simple if you follow the Prather protocol. Page 102
  • How did Christianity become the target of nasty bullies in Hollywood — and why is it just Christianity? Page 107
  • Guns, guns, and more guns! Why you DO have a right to own them, and not just for hunting. Page 154
  • Why is it that men get a ration of crap for shaving in the bathroom, yet women can shed a woolly mammoth and that’s OK? Page 158
  • Why a silent woman is the most dangerous of all God’s predators. Rest assured she’s plotting your demise. Don’t fall for this trap or you’ll lose! Page 166

Women without deodorant . . . crazy feminists . . . toxic masculinity . . . #MeToo . . . push parties . . . participation trophies  . . . it’s all in here and it’s all fair game!

Claim your FREE BOOK Am I Crazy? today. Click here.

If you’re done getting slapped with a label . . . sick of the woke movement . . . aghast at the cancel culture . . . and just about had it up to here with history being rewritten . . . then Am I Crazy? is a refreshing must-read!

Chad Prather is the voice of sanity in an insane world. His downhome, downright painfully honest observations and insights will make you laugh till the cows come home.

And, he might even make a liberal or two chuckle at the insanity. Join the Prather Posse!

Critics LOVE This Cowboy

“Verbal Cannon!”

“Chad is a verbal cannon with common sense . . . helps us remember we are all just humble human beings navigating the journey called life.”

— Glenn Beck, New York Times Bestselling Author and Host of The Glenn Beck Program

“Classic Chad Prather!”

“Insightful, manly, funny — absolute must read!”

— Dinesh D’Souza, New York Times Bestselling Author of The United States of Socialism

“I Unapologetically Endorse This Patriot!”

“Chad Prather brings a much-needed common sense sanity to the political landscape.”

— Dave Rubin, New York Times Bestselling Author of Don’t Burn This Book

“His Rants Are Our Rants!”

“He’s a throwback to a saner and more fun-loving America.”

— Charlie Kirk, National Radio Host and Founder of Turning Point USA

“Will Rogers of Our Time”

“Funny, thoughtful, and quintessentially American.”

— Larry Alex Taunton, Author, Around the World in (More Than) 80 Days

“Breath of Fresh Air!”

“Am I Crazy? is a breath of fresh air in a time where everyone else is too afraid to speak the truth. Who knew a redneck could be so insightful?!”

— Sara Gonzales, Host of Blaze TV’s The News & Why It Matters

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