They’re trying to kill us. Bring America to her knees.

Biological weapons. Nuclear warheads. Infectious pathogens. Spy balloons over military installations. Dangerous migrants slipping through our borders to attack us.

China is out to destroy the United States, and they’ve already started the war — it’s quietly happening now.

President Xi Jinping will stop at nothing to finally achieve the “Chinese dream” — world domination set in motion a century ago.

Now, in his new book, Plan Red: China’s Project to Destroy America, author Gordon G. Chang — American journalist, lawyer, and political commentator — shares how China has set the wheels in motion to destroy America . . . how Xi is using Mao Zedong’s playbook to carry out his plan to decimate America . . . foment chaos . . . assault the current order . . . and raze societies to establish worldwide Chinese rule.

Chang lived and worked in Asia for almost two decades. He is the author of The Great U.S.-China Tech War; Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes On the World; and The Coming Collapse of China. He is an authority on the Chinese regime. Chang knows China.

Like an arsonist, China’s leader is setting fires and fueling attacks on civilization via proxy wars. He is hell-bent on destroying America so China can be the one supreme leader.

Plan Red dares to expose it all. Don’t dismiss this grave threat to our country — it’s real and happening now.

Because the situation is so serious and escalating every day, Newsmax is giving this shocking new book to everyone who wants a copy . . . absolutely FREE . . . in its entirety.

Discover the real truth about why Xi Jinping is supplying Putin’s war . . . the devious reason China backs Iran’s attacks against Israel . . . how mass murder of Americans is a popular theme in China . . . and how China is already killing Americans with diseases, drugs, and social media. Think COVID-19, fentanyl, and TikTok.

Every American should be
concerned about China.

About the Author:

Gordon G. Chang is one of the foremost experts on China.

You have seen him on Newsmax, Fox News, CNBC, NBC, CNN and other major networks.

He is the bestselling author of The Great U.S.-China Tech War; Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes On the World; and The Coming Collapse of China.

For nearly two decades, Chang lived and worked in China and Hong Kong.

His writings have appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, National Review, Newsweek, The Hill, Barron's, and The Daily Beast.

He has spoken at Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Yale, and other universities, as well as The Brookings Institution and other prestigious foundations and institutions.

Chang believes China is preparing for a major war with the U.S. and outlines the evidence in his new book, “Plan Red.”

With extensive research and interviews with key officials, author Gordon G. Chang uncovered the plot to take over America.

Many Americans don’t take China seriously, and that is a grave mistake. As Plan Red reveals, Americans were naïve enough to believe the end of the Cold War would be the end of communism.

Washington foolishly tried to move China from its roots in Marxist economics and Maoism to a free market society. It was America’s biggest mistake — it backfired.

In your FREE book, you’ll discover more about China’s plan and Xi Jinping’s devious “war tactics”:

  • Chinese leaders and Beijing diplomats fooled the world into thinking they were going along with America’s plan. Page 20
  • “The 36 stratagems” China uses to employ cunning deception to defeat America’s strength — and we’re oblivious to it. Page 20
  • Ominous and foreboding words Xi Jinping spoke to Vladimir Putin which communicate China is in charge, not the U.S. Page 21

China is in a dirty war the likes
of which we have never seen.

The communist country is using a “smokeless war” — political warfare — to break down American institutions, societies, and economies.

This blockbuster book reveals how China purposely engages “disruptors” — groups like the Black Panthers and Young Lords — and uses them as weapons in their war against America.

You’ll see why China openly supports political activism in the U.S. — try to do the same in China and suffer serious wrath — and how China masterfully mines data to identify those likely to participate in Black Lives Matter and Antifa, those who will create dissension and unrest. (Wait until you see the shocking support “weapons” they send these groups!)

You should fear your kid’s
use of TikTok, too.

China-owned TikTok uses its social media platform to subvert and indoctrinate — and flood the world with “weaponized propaganda.” This social media powerhouse routinely pushes out Chinese propaganda on the social media site.

When it comes to Putin’s heinous actions against Ukraine, TikTok supports Russian propaganda and misinformation. And to support China’s drug trafficking and drug cartels, TikTok glorifies drug use, even teaching your children how to take drugs. Plan Red reveals all of it.

Beijing has bought the Biden family
and other powerful American entities

Author Gordon G. Chang takes the gloves off when it comes to China’s relationship with the Biden family. When you receive your FREE copy of Plan Red, turn to page 24 to see how Beijing has bought the Bidens . . .

And discover how China has purchased hundreds, if not thousands, of our businesspeople and law enforcement officials at all levels.

Plus, wait until you discover . . .

Excerpt From Plan Red

“If the CCP can weaponize a balloon, think about what it can do with 150 million American TikTok users at its mercy.”

  • The shocking places in America where the Chinese have secretly planted themselves to carry out their country’s dirty work. Page 25
  • How one FBI raid shut down the “first overseas police station” in the U.S. — a clandestine operation run by the Chinese Communist Party. Officials believe there are more on our soil; find out where. Page 25

Rest assured, he has no intention of stopping until he destroys America and achieves world dominance.

  • Proof China deliberately allowed COVID-19 to explode around the world, killing millions of people — the lies and cover-ups exposed. Page 26
  • Biological pathogens — China’s “weapon against the world” — could kill all of us and leave the Chinese people untouched and unharmed. How are they doing it? Page 26
  • One of the deadliest drug epidemics in U.S. history is a result of China churning out this drug like crazy, and now it’s all over America. Thousands are dying from overdoses. See why this was a calculated plan. Page 28

China’s plan to avenge America is in
place and already being rolled out.

Xi Jinping is building up the largest military since World War II . . . trying to sanction-proof the Chinese regime . . . stockpiling grain and other commodities . . . surveying America with spy balloons to strike and sabotage . . . mobilizing Chinese civilians for battle . . . and purging his military of those in China who oppose war.

Speaking of spy balloons, no matter what the Biden/Harris administration tells you . . .

Plan Red will show you why no American should discount the spy balloons that went sailing unfettered and unchallenged for far too long across U.S. military and nuclear installations:

  • The horrifying revelation uncovered when officials looked at the flight path of the spy balloons. Page 30
  • Among other shady things China was up to, their intent was to assess their ability to disrupt THIS — and if they had succeeded, America would become a sitting duck. Page 30

Xi Jinping is amassing an arsenal
of nuclear and biological weapons.

Praise for Plan Red:

“China is attacking America. Plan Red sounds the alarm and makes it clear what the US must do to defend freedom.”

“One man who fearlessly tells the Truth about the greatest threat we face. Read this book. Before it’s too late.”

Plan Red lays out in precise detail how China plans to bring down America. Chang’s prescient warning is a wake-up call that we ignore at our peril . . . and our demise.”

One report forecasts China would quadruple its warheads from about 400 to 1,500 by 2035. In fact, China is constantly threatening a nuclear attack, even though the U.S. has not provoked them. Xi Jinping has made no secret of his love of nuclear weapons and war threats.

Hundreds of silos are being constructed by China in the northern desert which pose a serious and massive threat to the entire U.S. Find out why on page 31 of your FREE copy of Plan Red.

Biological warfare was discovered in an unlicensed lab in California run by Chinese fronting for parties in China. Authorities found hundreds of mice genetically engineered to carry disease — along with chemical, viral, and biological agents. And yet the lab was supposed to be producing COVID-19 and pregnancy tests.

China is planning to spread disease in America.

What America must do now to fight back

America’s “nice guy” approach to China has failed. The Chinese regime is overwhelming the FBI, local law enforcement, government at all levels, and private organizations.

America is being flooded with deadly drugs from China. Biological weapons are being developed right in front of our faces. A massive nuclear weapons arsenal is being built up. Propaganda is filling our social media feeds.

China’s hunger to be the “one supreme
ruler” is insatiable, but . . .

For all its power and tough talk, China is also weakening, and the regime is vulnerable for 3 reasons you’ll discover in your FREE book, Plan Red:

  • Why it’s time to take a page from the Reagan playbook when it comes to the Communist Party. Page 37
  • Two things America is supplying China with that must stop — China can’t attack America without these things. Page 39

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Bonus Special Report:
The China Threat (A $7.95 Value)

In this special report, former National Security Council chief of staff Fred Fleitz is sounding the alarm over the meteoric rise of this nuclear-powered rogue nation, and his gritty report should be a wake-up call to all Americans. And to all nations.

This special report contains insider information not found in any other source. As important as this cover story is, however, it is not a complete picture of the trials Americans face.


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