Radical Nation


Sean Spicer Exposes Biden’s Plan for Remaking America


Our darkest days are looming. America is under assault by Biden and Harris — radical progressives bent on transforming our country into a socialist society.

Already they’re dismantling democracy, destroying our economy, abolishing our freedom, and attacking our Christian values. They’ve fueled a monumental border crisis, allowing millions of unvaccinated, undocumented illegals to flood our country . . .

. . . and yet demand innocent Americans “show their papers” for proof of vaccination to get into a restaurant.

With their reckless decisions and disregard for sound military advice, they single-handedly destroyed 20 years of military advancement in Afghanistan. Yanking American troops out, these radical leftists stranded thousands of Americans, allowed the Taliban to seize control.

Biden and Harris and their radical colleagues
are scorching America . . . burning her to the ground.

They are a lethal threat to the future of our country.

Perhaps no one knows better the danger this radical administration poses than Sean Spicer, former Trump White House press secretary, New York Times bestselling author of The Briefing and Leading America, and host of Newsmax’s Spicer & Co.

Now, in his explosive new book, Radical Nation: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s Dangerous Plan for America, Spicer reveals the true personas and dangerous hidden agendas of Biden and Harris.

Through this exclusive offer, Newsmax is giving you a FREE COPY of Radical Nation. Click here to claim your FREE BOOK — a $27.99 value.

Radical Nation reveals how egregious policies and executive orders being churned out by the Biden-Harris administration are leading America straight to scorching inflation and economic collapse . . . how open borders, and the resultant humanitarian crisis, are all part of a carefully planned vote grab . . . indoctrination is flooding our classrooms . . . and plans for court-packing and gun confiscation are underway.

Every page of Spicer’s blockbuster NEW book will keep you riveted as you discover:

  • The suicide pact with the radical environmental left they are dragging our nation into — and why it’s deadly for America. Page 165
  • Why Kamala suddenly becomes the “invisible woman” during a crisis. Page 55
  • Shocking insider details about the HR1 legislation and why progressives are pushing it so hard. Spicer calls it the “Fool the People Act” for good reason. Page 247
  • Joe Biden’s plan to rerun the disastrous Texas Blackout experiment all over again . . . only this time on a national scale. Page 166
  • Devastating truths about the Green New Deal progressives are hiding. AOC’s chief of staff comes clean on the “real deal.” Page 168
  • Dive deeper into the administration’s radical gun control plan — see the problem Democrats are completely blind to. Page 62

See how in just 20 minutes Biden single-handedly destroyed women’s sports . . . America’s economy . . . and American jobs.

Get a front row seat to how, in just one day, Biden made American families poorer, angered an important ally, and gave a huge gift to America’s biggest enemies. Is Biden a traitor? Read Radical Nation to find out.

When you read this explosive new book sure to hit the New York Times and Amazon bestseller lists . . .

You’ll be privy to the red flags that Spicer, a D.C. insider, says you must be aware of . . . like the two commonly used progressive terms the radical left throws around to deceive the people. You’ll find them on page 29 of your FREE book.

Never before has anyone been able to expose the radical intentions of an administration so corrupt, so devious, and so bent on using race to drive everything.

Claim your FREE COPY of Radical Nation now — click here.

Radical Nation uncovers the dark,
devious plan by the Biden administration
to transform us into a socialist country.

Every question you’ve ever had about why they’re doing what they’re doing will finally be answered.

Sean Spicer served as the White House press secretary under President Donald J. Trump. He is the author of the bestselling book The Briefing and host of Spicer & Co. on Newsmax TV. Spicer previously served as communications director and chief strategist of the Republican National Committee and worked for several members of Congress.

He serves on the Board of Visitors of the U.S. Naval Academy and holds a master’s degree from the U.S. Naval War College. Spicer is a native of Rhode Island and resides in Virginia.

Discover what Biden really means when he says “advancing racial equality” — it’s not what you think. In fact, it’s not racial equality at all. It’s the complete opposite.

The evidence shows that as a result of his misguided attempt to create racial “equity” — a flawed system based on skin color — Biden has created mass injustice, inequity, and hardship for those who truly need help. It’s all exposed here.

You’ll also get an up-close view of Biden’s rank hypocrisy when it comes to “unity” and true-life examples showing he doesn’t practice what he preaches. Discover why “I will be a president for all Americans” was nothing more than a cruel hoax perpetrated on Americans.

Be prepared to finally get the truth about the so-called “Muslim travel ban” President Trump put in place . . . and the lies spun to destroy the 45th president.

Hint: It was never about Muslims but Biden managed to enshrine that egregious lie in a presidential proclamation. Find out what it WAS about and why 90% of the world’s Muslims were never even affected.

Your FREE book is waiting — order today before all copies are sold out!

Radical Nation gives you chapter and verse from the man who was in the White House behind the scenes, up close and personal with Trump.

What other secrets will be revealed?

  • Keystone Pipeline job massacre — the stunning reality behind who really benefits. Page 173
  • The leaked email clearly showing Kamala Harris is the president in waiting. Page 64
  • What Disney is hiding: Is this entertainment mammoth a communist sympathizer? Be prepared to be shocked. Page 266
  • The Biden-Harris all-out assault on religious liberty — they’re bent on destroying your right to act in accordance with your faith. Page 123
  • Biden’s brazen outrageous LIE about the border crisis that’ll make your blood boil. Page 236
  • Who really started critical race theory and why it’s trash — but people buy it hook, line, and sinker because it came from this esteemed university. Page 213
  • Biden’s claim his $2.3 trillion plan will create 19 million well-paying jobs. See the disaster Moody’s says awaits and the astronomical cost associated with it. Page 118

Finally, you’ll get answers to the questions and quandaries that have been haunting you for months, even years. For example:

Have you ever shaken your head at Democrat voters, unable to understand what makes them tick or why they vote the way they do?

Radical Nation delivers surprising insights into minds of Democrat voters and provides a rational explanation as to why they vote the way they do. Wait until you discover how it ties back to the Bernie Sanders mitten-knitter in Vermont.

Perhaps you wanted to know what happened during negotiations in the Oval Office when Republicans discussed the COVID relief bill with President Biden . . .

Revealed for the first time: what really took place.

Maybe you’ve wondered if Biden is really making decisions himself . . .

What others are saying about Sean spicer and this new explosive book:

President Donald J. Trump:

“YOU MUST READ THIS! Radical Nation makes it clear what is at stake. If you want to save America you must read this — it is MAGA all the way.”

Newt Gingrich:

Radical Nation is a must-read. Spicer presents a clear and consise understanding of the direction we are headed and provides the tools and tactics necessary to combat it.”

David Horowitz:

Radical Nation is a Dommsday Bomb for the 2022 elections, perhaps the last best hope of taking our country back and restoring its freedom. Every patriotic American needs to arm themselves with a copy.”

The late Rush Limbaugh:

“Sean has experienced first hand what our movement and everyone in it faces from the left and what they’re willing to do to stop our agenda.”

For starters, go inside the Oval Office to see who was behind the push for a staggering $1.9 TRILLION in COVID relief — guaranteed to stun you!

Have you found yourself perplexed by the left’s push for a $15 an hour minimum wage . . .

Wait until you see the truth behind why big corporations like Amazon and McDonald’s support the astronomical minimum wage hike — it’s appalling.

And maybe you’re wondering if Biden has any clue about the real threat communist China poses to the U.S. and the world . . .

Read what Spicer has to say on page 95.

What about Biden’s appointees like Jalina Porter, deputy spokesperson for the U.S. State Department . . .

See why she absolutely can’t be a credible spokesperson for the Department of State. (Hint: China read her Twitter feed.)

Here’s your chance to get REAL answers and insights into the radical left’s flawed and corrupted thinking from the perspective of a White House insider. Your FREE book, Radical Nation from former White House press secretary Sean Spicer, tells all.

This is the book we’ve all been eagerly awaiting. Click here to claim your FREE copy compliments of Newsmax!

There’s so much packed into this eye-opening, secret-exposing book you just can’t miss.

  • Devious wordplay progressives use to fool innocent Americans — beware of gun “buy-back” and “equity and justice.” Pages 62 and 29
  • House Democrats’ sinister plan to get around the First Amendment and shut down conservative speech. Page 255
  • Biden’s rare appearances in the media are staged with paranoid vigilance. What are his handlers hiding? Page 218

There are even revelations about the president’s ill-fated move to drag the U.S. back into the World Health Organization — the consequences and the role China plays in all of this.

And much more, including the inside scoop on the worst vice president in American history . . .

  • Where has Kamala Harris been during this border crisis . . . and what is she hiding?
  • How and why Kamala, once tough on crime, became the rioters’ best friend in the summer of 2020 when America burned — it’s all finally EXPOSED.
  • Kamala’s inner circle talks — and they spill about her true personality and M.O.
  • Hear the horrifying story of a young mother wrongly arrested as a result of the harsh anti-truancy law championed by Harris. Folks, this is the real Kamala Harris.
  • Proof that Harris follows woke culture, not science or the law.

You’ll get the most shocking yet disturbing insights on the vice president — and find out how she’s being groomed for the presidency. It’s the plan — and it was always the plan.

In fact, you’ll learn firsthand that Harris fully supports communism and Marxism — it was all caught on video!

Straight from Sean Spicer, who’s been in the trenches, you’ll discover how Harris plans to impose radical Marxist-style socialism on America. Her terrifying words on page 61.

Antony Blinken . . . Xavier Becerra . . . Susan Rice . . . Pete Buttigieg . . . why they’re all unfit to serve in their positions. Discover their past, their lies, and the connection to spies.

“The Biden-Harris regime is pushing discredited policies that will destroy the very fabric of America. Radical Nation provides us with background on the direction they could take us, and ways we can fight back and win.” — Dan Bongino, New York Times Bestselling Author

Page after page of shocking revelations
await in your FREE book, RADICAL NATION

  • Find out which Biden Cabinet pick Spicer thinks is the worst one of all — and where the Republicans went wrong. Page 70
  • Discover why you and every American should fear Biden’s stance on the First Amendment — and why every American should fear Kamala’s horrifying definition of who falls under the First Amendment. Pages 126 and 132
  • Plus, the smoking-gun emails that show the CDC needlessly slowed the reopening of schools to placate a Biden ally — it’s so wrong on every level. Page 156
  • The greatest threat to your children or grandchildren and their education — this is a true pandemic in our schools. Page 157
  • How the Federal Election Commission was turned into a weapon for partisan politics. Page 247
  • And how the radical left plans to shut down conservative speech and networks like Newsmax and OANN. Page 255

Claim your FREE BOOK today — click here.

Count on Spicer’s Radical Nation to bring you into the Washington trenches, revealing never-before-heard stories from the inner circle about the deceptions being perpetrated upon the American people.

It’s no wonder New York Times bestselling author and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says . . .

Radical Nation is a must-read. Spicer presents a clear and concise understanding of the direction we are headed and provides the tools and tactics necessary to combat it.”

Radical Nation isn’t just about what’s wrong . . .

Spicer shows you can fight back and this is the plan to reclaim America . . . from a Washington insider who knows.

This blockbuster book also delivers hope with a powerful 10-step action plan every proud patriot can use to defend against the progressive socialist assault on America — your rights, faith, economy, and way of life.

These 10 powerful steps are what we need to do as Americans, together, to extinguish radical ideologies, plans, and paths the Biden-Harris administration has set into motion.

Hurry, order your FREE copy today before they’re gone, especially because . . .

We expect RADICAL NATION to fly off the shelves
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