Beware of
Joe Biden’s
Coming Socialism . . .

Blockbuster New Book Reveals Details of
Creeping Socialism and Why the Democrats Have
Embraced a Radical Agenda for America!

Joe Biden and Democrats ran for office in 2020 on the most radical platform ever concocted by their national party.

They want to fundamentally change America with massive tax increases on working Americans and businesses.

Under the guise of a “Green New Deal,” they aim to slap massive regulations on companies across America — causing jobs losses and economic depression.

Joe Biden himself said he wanted to end the oil and gas business in the United States!

Socialists Don't Sleep

Joe Biden is a cipher. He may not believe personally in anything.

But the people behind him fiercely are backing a radical agenda, warns Cheryl Chumley, the author of the new book  Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall.

Throw out the words “liberal” and “left-leaning” and even “progressive” — many Democrats today are openly embracing socialism.

Think Kamala Harris. Bernie Sanders. Elizabeth Warren. Nancy Pelosi.

Chumley says radical left socialists are now swarming the United States, plotting to crush the patriotic, freedom-loving and moral ideals we cherish.

They want to force-feed an ideology so extremely liberal that our nation will never be the same again.

Chumley shows how the far left is using the coronavirus to push their Orwellian socialist agenda.

They’re using the pandemic to control schools and businesses, as they move to close down churches and restrict our most basic freedoms.

They want to destroy not only the pillars of our free enterprise system — but our religious and educational and cultural institutions.

Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, one of their young leaders, says Democrats should create lists of Trump supporters so they can be “held accountable.”

Hello, this is not your mother’s Democratic Party!

How did this happen?

In Socialists Don’t Sleep, Chumley shows how the far left took over the Democratic Party using sly means, pretending to be progressives, social justice warriors, and populists who care for the working class.

They’ve also done it by smearing and assassinating characters and reputations thanks to their willing accomplices in the media.

Donald Trump became the most vilified president in history because he stood foursquare in their way.

Folks, the risks to the Constitution are REAL!

But just like NAFTA, their plan CAN be stopped.

The explosive new book Socialists Don’t Sleep explains how.

Chumley’s new book details the sneaky and underhanded ways the secular left has pressed socialism into American politics and life — and why Christians are the only ones who can ride to the rescue.

She covers such pressing topics as:

Cheryl Chumley

Cheryl Chumley is an author, commentary writer and the online opinion editor for The Washington Times, where she also hosts a podcast, “Bold and Blunt,” about politics and culture from a Christian, conservative perspective. Her previous books are The Devil in DC and Police State USA. Chumley is a frequent guest on conservative media and her writing credits include The Blaze, The Washington Times, The Washington Examiner, The Heritage Foundation, The Heartland Institute, Lifezette, and more. Chumley is also a US Army veteran and a licensed private investigator.

  • How and why Americans have forgotten their roots, and how this can be reversed. (Page 1)
  • Why former President Obama is pushing a nationwide coronavirus surveillance system. (Page 15)
  • How Democrats and left-leaning activists are disguising their socialist goals to fool you. (Page 23)
  • How Republicans are getting free pass over this alarming upheaval — simply because they are Republicans. (Page 39)
  • Why we’ve been taught that public schools are good for children. (Page 61)
  • Using Christianity: how we’re allowing wolves in sheep’s clothing to teach socialism as Biblical lessons. (Page 75)
  • Pope Francis' secret role working with U.S. socialists to undermine our economy. (Page 88)
  • Busting the myth that socialists care about the youth of America (Page 95)
  • Our failure to grasp that not all self-proclaimed do-gooders actually do good. (Page 113)
  • The Billionaire Cabal: George Soros leads Bill Gates, Ford Foundation, and Rockefeller Foundation in an effort to bring globalism to America. (Page 125)
  • How America has turned blind to the globalist snakes in the grass. (Page 135)
  • Why our nation is ceding the Constitution to technology. (Page 151)
  • Dangerous facial recognition: the new system is being used by cities all over the U.S. to track you. (Page 158)
  • How and why America is quickly forgetting its storied and illustrious history. (Page 171)
  • How socialists are getting America to buy their lies. (Page 201)
  • Face masks have nothing to do with stopping the virus, it’s about control! (Page 202)
  • Facebook, Twitter targeted Trump, now they’re targeting you. (Page 219)

Top conservatives are raving about this book . . . 

Mike Huckabee says: “Socialists Don’t Sleep is one of those timely books that just points out the roots of what’s gone wrong in America, how we can get our country back on track to what founders envisioned and the Judeo-Christian community that holds the key to America’s long-term successes.”

Cal Thomas, nationally syndicated conservative columnist says: “What is it about the founding principles of America that the secular progressive left would make better? The answer is: Nothing. In her new book, Cheryl Chumley reminds us of those principles and calls on those who still believe in them to engage the failed policies and ideology of socialism and atheism and to fight back.”

Michael Savage, host of The Savage Nation says: “Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — when it comes to socialism in America, these two aren’t the problem per se. They’re simply symptoms of the real problems that usher in Socialism: a dysfunctional entitlement-minded society, a propaganda-pushing school system, a decayed culture, a sieve-like border. As Cheryl Chumley points out in Socialists Don’t Sleep, we can’t root out socialism unless we first address the real problems.”

Phil Robertson, star of TV’s Duck Dynasty and New York Times bestselling author, raves: “Socialists Don’t Sleep exposes the flawed thinking of the socialist left.”

Will Witt says: “An important book that shows just how close our country is from losing its freedoms — and why the younger generations need to learn truthful history about capitalism, freedom, and socialism.”

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This Special Limited-Time Offer

If you love America and refuse to allow it to be remade into a soulless, socialism-fueled nightmare, you owe it to yourself to read Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall.

“We can’t rely on government to be the solution — particularly when government simply stands by and watches or worse, stands behind the podium and politically preaches, as the thugs dance in our streets,” says Chumley.

“We need real solutions. We need for Christians and those of faith to grow bolder, louder, and more organized in their appeals on America’s behalf.”

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and Your Freedoms . . . Before It’s Too Late

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