One of America’s most trusted pastors reveals how the
woke left has tricked Christians into defying God’s word.

Make no mistake. Their target is Jesus, and their diabolical plan is to subvert Christianity and lead Christians astray . . . pervert Bible teachings and twist them to fit their sick agenda.

They’re known by different names — the Christian left, progressives and woke Christianity — but don’t be fooled.

Innocent Christians are being duped into deliberately ignoring the Bible. As the progressive left twists the word of God, they brainwash people into believing their perverted woke interpretation — all in the name of “social justice.”

Parading around as fake Christians, these devils in disguise are luring faithful believers into abandoning traditional interpretations of the Bible in matters of gender, marriage, racial equality and more.

What’s worse . . .

Scripture is their weapon

Need proof? Take a look . . .

They’re dangerous and there’s no end to how far woke liberals will go to destroy Christianity. But now a respected man of the cloth dares to stand in their way . . .

Lucas Miles is one of America’s most trusted pastors — and he’s not afraid to take on controversial Christian topics. In his shocking NEW book, Woke Jesus: The False Messiah Destroying Christianity, Pastor Miles exposes the radical left’s destructive anti-Christian crusade and their mission to hijack Jesus.

Through this exclusive offer, you can get his blockbuster NEW release — a $24.99 value — absolutely FREE by clicking here.

Every Christian in America
must read this bombshell book . . .

Woke Jesus rips the veil of secrecy and deception off to reveal how, in heinous hands, the sacred word of God is being twisted . . . replaced with a warped, sinful fabrication built on cancel culture, virtue signaling and hedonism.

Under the guise of “social justice” woke warriors brainwash legions of faithful people — including clergy and ministers — into believing their perverted interpretation of the Bible.

Friend, we’ve fallen as a Christian nation and if you’re still skeptical look at what Pastor Miles reveals in Woke Jesus . . .

A national Gallup poll found only 24 percent of Americans now believe Scripture is “the actual word of God, and is to be taken literally, word for word.”

This is a record low based on 40 years of polling research!

Even more unnerving?

According to the same poll, the largest subset of Christians believe the Bible is “inspired by God but shouldn’t all be taken literally.”

Are you quaking in your boots yet because if not, you should be. This downgraded view of the Bible reveals how Progressive Christianity has gained a powerful foothold over the last decade.

No institution and no Christian or
Jew is safe from the anti-God mob.

Inside Woke Jesus, Lucas takes a close look at today’s Christian universities and institutions and what he’s discovered will shock you to the core.

Lucas Miles is lead pastor of Nfluence Church, he also hosts The Lucas Miles Show and EpochTV's Church & State. Lucas is also the author of The Christian Left.

  • In 2020, during mass at St. Xavier Catholic Church in New York City Fr. Kenneth Boller shames his flock for white privilege and racial prejudice. He made no reference to unconditional love and forgiveness or the saving power of Jesus. Instead, he offered the tenets of Woke dogma so his flock could be “saved.”
  • Harvard University used to be the bastion of Christianity and faith. Once a deeply religious institution originally founded to train clergy . . . and where students were required to read Scripture at least twice a day . . . Harvard is now run by an atheist president. Once the pinnacle of religious training Harvard is now a hotbed of progressive ideology.

And it’s not just Harvard that has undergone a secret secularization — it’s most of the Christian universities in America. Yale, Princeton, Notre Dame and the University of Michigan have all fallen into the trap.

In a shocking development, these revered Christian institutions have caved to the woke left. See it right here in your FREE copy of the book.

Page after page in this blockbuster book gives you chapter and verse on what’s going on . . .

Woke Jesus . . .

  • Exposes how we got here without even knowing it . . .
  • Reveals how we can shut down this vile and cancerous crusade . . .
  • Uncovers the historical rise of wokeism including Gnosticism and Marxism . . .
  • Shares eye-opening biblical insights which obliterate wokeism and the left’s false prophetical teachings . . .
  • Nearly a dozen examples of the left’s new moral framework at work every day . . .
  • Examples of wokeism using different scales of justice . . .
  • All the evidence you need to refute this new “Woke Jesus” . . .
  • Reveals how to recognize the signs of Christian arrogance . . .
  • The greatest sin of the woke — it’s what they didn’t count on and what destroys their arguments . . .
  • Clear distinctions between wokeism and Christianity
  • 5 powerful ways you can push back against wokeism . . .
  • 6 ways to stop those you love from being lured away by the sirens of social justice.

Evil is all around us — the woke left are nothing more than wolves in sheep’s clothing, parading around pretending to be Christian luring even the most devout Christians into their trap.

Read Woke Jesus so you can spot Lucifer’s army and resist their efforts to destroy God’s word and instead, grow in the truth.

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Book With This Special Offer!

To get your FREE copy of Woke Jesus . . . you need to take one more step in the fight against the woke Left who are trying to destroy Christianity . . .

All it takes is one simple step.

Dr. Ben Carson, Mike Reagan (President Reagan’s eldest son), Ben Stein, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Bill O’Reilly, and Christopher Ruddy have already taken this step . . .

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Every single month, they read Newsmax Magazine . . .

Because Newsmax Magazine is the ONLY print source for real news that Big Tech won’t let you see . . .

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Newsmax Magazine normally costs $49.95 for 12 monthly issues . . .

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Woke Jesus Gets High Praise for Exposing
The Left’s Terrifying Crusade to Destroy Jesus

Destroys False Christianity

“ . . . bold, analytical, and readable . . . Miles names names and dismantles the fallacy of progressive Christianity.”

 Eric Metaxas, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author; host of the nationally syndicated Eric Metaxas Radio Show

Cuts The Woke Cancer

“With surgical precision, Miles cuts out the cancer of wokeness that has metastasized within the modern church.”

 Seth Dillon, CEO, The Babylon Bee

You’ll Find The Answers Here

“If you’re looking for straightforward answers about how we arrived at this perfect storm, and how we can reverse course, I highly recommend this book.”

 John L. Cooper, Co-Founder of Christian rock band Skillet, author of Awake and Alive to Truth, and host of The Cooper Stuff Podcast


Woke Jesus is a must-read for the modern-day Christian.”

 Lyndsay Keith, Newsmax Anchor, Co-Host of Spicer & Co.



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