It’s the Most Shocking Scandal
in U.S. History . . . 

Even bigger than Watergate . . . 

Say Dick Morris in his new “CORRUPT” . . . 

Unveiling a real story of corruption and a money trail involving the then-vice president of the United States and his family, Dick Morris declares this the most significant presidential scandal in American history — even bigger than Watergate.

The vice president has become president and his name is Joe Biden.

The money trail of tens of millions of dollars to his family . . . and new evidence shows direct payments to him from his family . . . a money trail that has “in effect corrupted the leader of the free world and compromised him,” says Dick Morris.

There is overwhelming and compelling evidence that Joe Biden and his family have tirelessly worked to barter America’s future and integrity for personal gain and influence . . . 

Few know the treacherous waters of Washington, D.C., better than Dick Morris.

He is not only a multiple New York Times bestselling author, he’s one of America’s most prominent presidential strategists and consultants.

Morris was a top adviser to both President Clinton and President Donald J. Trump.

President Trump has described Morris as “my advisor and my counselor who has given me enormous help.”

Now, Morris has unearthed information so explosive, it has the potential to shake the very foundations of our governmental system.

The power of this revelation is so profound, every American must know it.

It’s unveiled in Dick Morris’ groundbreaking eBook, CORRUPT.

After you read CORRUPT you will discover Joe Biden’s “secret.”

As Dick Morris explains, the secret reveals the answer to this seemingly incredible — actually unbelievable fact.

DICK MORRIS is not only a multiple New York Times-bestselling author, he’s one of America’s most prominent political consultants. Morris was a top adviser to former President Donald J. Trump, with a history of impacting presidential, senatorial, and gubernatorial campaigns spanning decades. He currently hosts Dick Morris Democracy on Newsmax TV.

When Joe Biden became vice president his personal net worth stood at $27,012.

Joe even bragged his was poorest of U.S. senators as he took the office of vice president.

As vice president his net worth rose by $2.5 million on a salary of $250,000 a year.

And now, amazingly, his net worth is reportedly in excess of $8 million!

Government service, Dick Morris writes, can be very rewarding.

And he adds that with multiple multi-million-dollar homes, many believe Joe’s net worth well exceeds $8 million.

In 2017-2018, Joe Biden reported income on his tax returns of $15.7 million.

But $10 million just appeared on his returns and has no explainable source.

Even Sen. Ted Cruz said, “You’re looking at a tax return that has $10 million in cash that came from a mystery source.”

Who could that mystery source be?

And Dick Morris kept asking himself, “How did Joe Biden make incredible riches in government service and shortly thereafter, what was his secret?”

And then the answer came to him . . . and that’s when he decided to write CORRUPT.

So when you open CORRUPT, you will need to discover the secret . . . 

While you brace yourself for revelations that span continents . . . 

Revelations that will rock you and the bedrock of public trust . . . 

The same revelations that will expose a web of corruption so shocking and so deep and so scarring — all involving America’s security and foreign governments around the globe.

So Joe Biden’s “secret” begins with America’s most formidable foe — China.

Unearthing the Biden Family’s
Chinese Corruption Network

CORRUPT: The Inside Story of Biden’s Dark Moneypieces together the Biden family’s intricate financial dealings, companies, business partners, and a maze of dizzying investments and more . . . 

But it all starts with Ground Zero: China.

As vice president, Morris argues that both Biden and his family became partners with America’s economic rival.

China would help Vice President Joe Biden during and after his tenure in office — and the Biden family would prosper as never before.

As Morris explains, in Washington there is always a quid pro quo — Joe Biden would help China.

And he did — in ways that can’t even be counted in the single digit billions of dollars . . . 

It’s important to remember China’s meteoric rise to global economic dominance occurred during Biden’s tenure in our federal government.

As the 2024 election looms, it’s clear that the fate of our nation hangs in the balance — and in CORRUPT, Dick Morris withholds nothing.

Within the pages of his groundbreaking eBook, Morris unveils compelling evidence of dubious financial dealings between the Bidens and Chinese entities, the lack of transparency in their transactions, and worst of all . . . 

Joe Biden’s influence in favor of China as vice president, as a citizen, and now as president.

But the corruption allegations and Joe’s “secret” doesn’t stop with Chinese money.

It’s time to expose the deep-rooted forces at play in our nation’s destiny.

In Dick Morris’ new eBook, you’ll discover:

  • How Hunter Biden’s tag-along with Vice President Biden on Air Force Two led to $2 billion in investments with the family — yes $2 billion!
  • The $6 million Hunter got from China’s energy giant CEFC.
  • The $5 million Hunter got wired to him immediately from a Chinese banker after he said he was sitting next to his father.
  • The real reason Joe Biden released from prison Meng Wanzhou — tied to Huawei, the Chinese company Biden wants to control 5G in the U.S.!
  • Biden’s failure to hold China accountable at the WTO for currency and trade violations that undersell U.S. products.
  • Biden’s strange decision to allow China to get away with patent theft of U.S. technologies.
  • Why Biden has continually defended China against claims COVID-19 started at a Wuhan laboratory.
  • Biden’s demands on lowering carbon emissions in the U.S. and Europe — while ignoring China’s flagrant violation of green standards . . . 
  • Why his first act of president was to stop President Trump’s program countering Chinese spying in the U.S. — Biden said it was racist . . . 

But the biggest pay-off came after Joe Biden was vice president.

Out of a job, unemployed, and with no steady source of income, the former vice president cut a lucrative deal with the University of Pennsylvania to create the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.

Part of Biden’s new wealth came from $775,000 he made over four years from the University of Pennsylvania.

All of sudden $100 million in anonymous donations piled in . . . and it has been later confirmed from Chinese sources.

China clearly loved Joe Biden . . . but why?

Dick Morris argues in CORRUPT that China doesn’t give away money for nothing.

And they don’t really love Joe Biden.

They love what he does for them.

And it’s a lot.

Dick Morris shows in CORRUPT that Joe Biden’s decisions have all benefited China.

China makes a fortune on the “green technology” — they make everything from electric car batteries, solar panels, to wind turbines — and more.

As President, Biden has become a “Green New Deal” radical — even ordering 80% of U.S. cars to be electric by 2035.

The decision, as Dick Morris explains, makes no sense.

The U.S. power grid can’t handle that many cars . . . 

And electric power plants are fueled mostly by carbon-based fuels like coal, natural gas, and petroleum — so you’re not changing anything by moving everyone to electric cars.

But Joe Biden doesn’t care about reason . . . 

China benefits big time by Biden’s decision to move everyone to electric cars . . . and by literally hundreds of green energy decisions, demands, and orders Biden has made as president.

China has gotten big dividends backing Joe Biden.

But China isn’t the only country to have put cash into the Biden family’s pocket.

The family money also came from Romania, Kazakstan, Russia, Iraq, and Ukraine.

So let’s start there . . . in Ukraine.

The Bidens and the Ukraine
Conflict: A Closer Look

From $50,000 to a staggering $183,000 per month — that’s the jaw-dropping amount rumored to have been paid to Hunter Biden by Ukrainian energy giant Burisma for his role on their board.

It raises a striking question: Why did the mainstream media seemingly overlook the significance of Hunter’s employment at an energy company where he earned more than the majority of Fortune 500 CEOs?

Especially considering he knew nothing about running an energy company . . . 

Not to mention the immense influence held by his father, Papa Joe, in Ukraine at that time.

It seems his primary qualification was his family connection to Dad . . . 

The story becomes even more disconcerting when the facts are made clear.

At the same time Hunter got this unbelievable job at Burisma, his father Joe was pressuring the Ukrainian government into dismissing the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who was investigating that very company.

Biden held hostage $1 billion in U.S. aid telling Ukraine to fire Shokin or lose the money!

But it gets even worse.

In CORRUPT, Dick Morris reveals the secret FBI informant who claimed both Hunter and his father each received $5 million to stop Shokin’s probe of Burisma.

Not surprisingly, both Hunter and Joe have denied the claim.

Excerpt From
CORRUPT: The Inside Story of Biden’s Dark Money

With the cash, Joe and Jill bought two homes in Delaware worth a combined $4 million and made investments totaling another $4 million.

How much more did the Biden family make from corruption in China? And Ukraine? And Romania? And Kazakhstan? And Costa Rica? And Iraq? And from charter schools in Florida?

The Biden family business received over $20 million from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan while Joe Biden was vice president in the Obama administration, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, R-Ky., revealed.

In CORRUPT: The Inside Story of Biden’s Dark Money, Dick Morris meticulously traces the timeline of Joe and Hunter Biden’s involvement in Ukraine during Joe’s tenure as vice president.

Could the moves Hunter and Papa Joe made in Ukraine have led to the war that is happening in the country right now? We will also delve into the intriguing role played by Joe’s brother James in these intricate financial dealings — and a lot more.

A Calculated Trail of Financial Gain:
The Biden Family’s Master Plan

At the core of this saga lies a single, unmistakable strategy that has fueled the Biden family’s staggering financial ascent into unimaginable wealth . . . 

The relentless leveraging of political influence.

It’s a strategy that has proven immensely profitable, with brother Frank and son Hunter unearthing veritable gold mines in the form of lucrative business ventures and government approvals.

In CORRUPT: The Inside Story of Biden’s Dark Money, you will gain insight into how these endeavors raised serious concerns and why:

  • Hunter Biden’s business dealings with a Chinese energy company with ties to Chinese military intelligence led to a convicted bribery scheme.
  • Biden-appointed prosecutors rejected requests to charge Hunter Biden with tax crimes, and investigations by the FBI and IRS were BLOCKED.
  • Frank Biden used his brother’s name and position to gain influence and fortune to make huge sums off the U.S. education system.
  • Many people believe the Biden family’s activities have compromised national security and influenced political decisions.
  • And much, much more!

But this isn’t merely the tale of a few individuals.

It’s a story brimming with profound implications for our great nation.

When you read CORRUPT and discover yourself Joe Biden’s “secret” you will also understand why he must stop Donald Trump at any cost.

Trump has vowed to investigate all of Biden’s alleged crimes.

The vast network of companies, family members, millions in cash — all spanning the globe, would be an immense probe.

And Dick Morris says without any doubt it would uncover the most shocking scandal in American history.

Once you dive into the pages of this gripping read, you won’t be able to tear yourself away.

Don’t miss out on this exclusive offer.

Secure your FREE copy today while supplies last.

Excerpt From
CORRUPT: The Inside Story of Biden’s Dark Money

Joe Biden was also indirectly on the payroll of the Chinese government from his retirement as vice president in 2017 and his election as president in November of 2020.

Out of a job, unemployed, and with no steady source of income, the former vice president cut a lucrative deal with the University of Pennsylvania to create the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.

Part of Biden’s new wealth came from $775,000 he made over four years from the University of Pennsylvania (to lead the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement as the Benjamin Franklin presidential professor of practice). Most of the money came in anonymous donations to the center, fortune cookies really, from various sources in China.

The Truth That Could Save America

In the face of these shocking revelations, it’s time to take a stand.

With the 2024 election fast approaching, there’s never been a more important time to act.

The American people deserve to know the truth about the Biden family’s money . . . once and for all.

This is not just a political scandal.

It’s a matter of national security, integrity, and the very soul of America.

The time for action is now.

The time to secure your FREE copy of CORRUPT: The Inside Story of Biden’s Dark Money is now — before it’s too late.

Do not miss out on this exclusive offer.

Grab your copy today and join me in the fight to protect the future of America.

Yours for America,

Dick Morris

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