“These Powerful Investments That Most Investors Have No Idea Even Exist Could Safely Hand You 125% . . . 131% . . . 160% . . . 205% . . . Up To 297% Returns . . .
And They’re Backed By The Performance Of Companies Whose Products And Services Are In High Demand.”
Dear Friend,
As you already know, the entire investing landscape as we once knew it has changed.
The market downturn of early 2020 caught many retirees and investors off guard.
However, despite the resulting market uncertainty — there is one thing I am very excited about.
And that’s the FUTURE . . . along with what it holds for you, and the rest of our readers.
You see, this new investing landscape going forward will be full of once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and investment vehicles . . .
With many of them outside of typical stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and money market accounts — providing even greater profit potential . . . with less risk!
In fact, there’s one little-known investment in particular I’ve been watching very carefully both before and after the coronavirus crisis rocked the financial markets . . .
And it has been providing investors with phenomenal returns that I’d like to share with you today.
I call these unique securities
“Cash Contracts.”
And what I really love as a conservative investor myself . . .
. . . Is that these investments are backed by the performance of companies whose products and services are in
high demand.
In other words — they’re practically recession-proof!
And they’ve been allowing a small group of our readers to make exceptional profits.
Take a look . . .
A computer hardware company for 131% returns

A clothing company for 137% returns

A computer memory and data storage company for 160% returns

A semiconductor and telecom company for 205% returns

And a multi-national technology company for 297% returns

Those kinds of returns are enough to double . . . triple . . . almost quadruple your money.
I’ll show you more examples in a bit. But before I do, consider this . . .
Even if regular stocks that got hammered and lost 15% . . . 20% . . . even 30% of their value in early 2020 were to return to their 2019 highs . . .
The potential gains from these little-known investments I’m about to share with you could still be 10 times greater!
So if you’re looking to increase the income you currently receive from your investments . . .
If you want to rebuild your wealth after the coronavirus crisis wrecked the financial markets earlier this year . . .
And if you would like to do it in a way that allows you to steer clear of the volatility of stocks that we’re likely to see for months (maybe years) to come . . .
Then I’d like to show you more about this unique class of investments that I bet you’ve never even heard of before.
And after you see what I share with you below . . . you may want to grab some for yourself today!
Top Investing Expert Bill Spetrino Has Used Them
to Make a
. . . and You Can Too!
Most of our readers have heard of Bill Spetrino, and have seen his investing articles on our website and in their email inboxes.
He is a self-made multimillionaire investor and one of our top investing experts who, in my opinion, is the best at finding these unique investments.
In fact, he has been sharing his research about them with his “inner circle” for the past five years.
Many of them had the chance to enjoy triple-digit gains over and over again with his recommendations.
And get this . . .
Between May of 2015 and May of 2020, Bill’s readers were able to pocket an average of 30% PROFITS on every one of these opportunities . . . winners and losers combined!
Keep in mind that this includes through the time when the coronavirus crisis rocked the financial markets, causing countless investors to lose much of their life savings.
But just imagine what your investment portfolio would look like going forward if you averaged 30% returns on your
Cash Contracts
— year after year!
Needless to say, Bill has been using these little-known investments to help add MILLIONS to his retirement savings.
And he doesn’t plan on stopping either!
In fact, Bill told me that despite the Dow bottoming out at 18,591 on March 23rd . . .
He still has not closed out a single losing Cash Contract since the coronavirus started making the news in late January!
In fact, several of his existing
Cash Contracts
he’s been holding still maintain triple-digit gains as of mid-April when I began creating this presentation.
Take a look . . .
Here’s a computer company for 129% gains

A semiconductor company for 117% gains

A media company for 130% gains

And a semiconductor and telecom company for 156% gains

Plus, Bill currently has other
Cash Contracts
in his open portfolio that I anticipate will grow from double-digit gains to triple-digit gains in the weeks to come!
More importantly, since the coronavirus crisis hit, he has his eyes on new opportunities that could help you rebuild your investment portfolio in the months to come . . .
Why Cash Contracts Could Be the
to Add to Your Portfolio — Starting Today
As investors recover from the market downturn in early 2020, many are looking for ways to limit their risk in these volatile markets . . .
. . . While still generating healthy returns in a relatively short period of time.
But for Bill Spetrino — it’s still mostly business as usual for him.
He has stayed “well ahead of the curve” of this market downturn by investing in carefully selected
Cash Contracts
and recommending them to his inner circle since 2015.
For example, in May 2015 he recommended a Cash Contract for a growing computer company that delivered 15% returns in just 9 days.
The following month, he told his readers about
Cash Contracts
for a successful tobacco company that provided 36% returns in just 10 days.
Then in July, Bill recommended his readers to buy
Cash Contracts
for a top-performing clothing and accessory company that generated 48% returns in 30 days.
Now, I will say that not all of these
Cash Contracts
deliver returns so quickly.
In fact, you may have to wait up to one to two years before you have the chance to take profits on these investments.
So if you’re a day trader or someone who likes to hop in and out of very short-term and riskier trades . . . then
Cash Contracts
might not be a good fit for you.
But if you don’t mind a one- to two-year holding period for greater profit potential . . .
Then they could be a perfect addition to your investment portfolio — especially with Bill’s track record.
Since he started sharing these little-known investments with his readers in 2015 — I could show you dozens of his winning recommendations and their returns like:
A manufacturing and distribution company for 38% . . . a semiconductor company for 68% . . . a dietary supplement company for 107% . . . a telecom company for 39% . . . an offshore drilling company for 89%.. . . . and a clothing company for 137%.
And there are plenty of other winners just like these!
Bill Absolutely Hates Losing Money . . .
and His Readers
Him for It!
Now, to be clear — there is always a chance of losing money on these investments, just like with any investment.
But Bill absolutely hates to lose money, and takes it personally when his readers lose any money on his carefully vetted recommendations.
Yet, even with the
Cash Contracts
that went down in value over the past five years — Bill and his readers still were able to come out way ahead!
That’s why I’ll repeat what I mentioned earlier:
Between May of 2015 and May of 2020, Bill’s readers were able to pocket an average of 30% PROFITS on every one of these opportunities . . . winners and losers combined!
As you can imagine, they’ve been thrilled with their results using
Cash Contracts
as a part of their investing strategy.
In fact, here’s what a few of them had to say about Bill and his investment recommendations . . .
I am grateful for your insight and helping me steady my ship during the rough waters. I just went over $1 million on my [computer company Cash Contract] holding. I’m ecstatic!”
— Bill G.
I’ve learned more in the one year that I have been a reader than I learned in the last 15 years combined of trading . . . THANK YOU!!! I purchased the [computer company Cash Contracts] and currently I am up 194%.”
— DeAnna D.
I have only one [Cash Contract] but that’s up 200%!!!! Thanks for getting things turned around for us this year . . .”
— Stephen B.
I’m up $77k profit . . . Thank you for doing what you do!”
— Heath M.
I have done quite well with [Cash Contracts] . . . and I have you to thank for that. One for a 160% profit . . . one for a 442% profit . . . and another where I am up 172%. Thanks again for all you do and I look forward to learning more from such an incredible man with great insight!”
— Karl F.
After you read notes like these from Bill’s readers, it’s no surprise to learn that they subscribe to his research year after year!
I’ve worked in the financial publishing industry now for almost three decades . . . and I can say, without a doubt . . .
That Bill has the best track record I’ve seen for investing in the best-performing “recession-proof” businesses in the world.
And with many conservative investors looking for ways to invest in the safest and most stable companies going forward . . .
I anticipate that the
Cash Contracts
for these kinds of companies will be in even greater demand, and have even more profit potential in the months and years to come.
The significant financial returns you could make with them over the coming years could dramatically increase your investment income and rebuild your wealth . . .
And the sooner you secure some of these
Cash Contracts
for yourself — the greater gains you could see.
In a moment, I’ll tell you how to get on Bill’s “inner circle” email list so you can get his newest investment research and recommendations.
But before I do, check out why you should strongly consider adding
Cash Contracts
to your portfolio for the years ahead . . .
These Could Be the PERFECT Investments
to Have in a
“Post-Coronavirus” Market
I mentioned earlier that Bill absolutely hates losing money.
Take, for example, his flagship financial newsletter
The Dividend Machine.
Over 10 years, from 2009 through 2019, Bill had an incredible 90% WIN-RATE for both his Conservative portfolio and his Aggressive portfolio.
For his Conservative portfolio, he has a 100% WIN-RATE.
That’s right . . . every single stock in that portfolio was a winner!
I’ve never seen any other financial analyst or stock picker come close to Bill’s track record.
So it’s easy to see how he and his readers were able to generate a FORTUNE for themselves.
And while everyone loved how much money they were able to make with the top-performing dividend generating companies Bill recommended . . .
There was just one “downside” to these investments — they often took up to five to seven years to potentially double . . . triple . . . or quadruple your money.
Now, this is not a bad problem to have!
Especially if you have a lot of time until retirement, or you don’t have an immediate need for income.
But this “problem” prompted Bill to investigate different strategies and investment vehicles to make similar returns he and his readers were seeing . . . only faster.
Then he discovered
Cash Contracts
— and it’s been a game-changer ever since!
At first, he kept his discovery to himself.
But once he experienced their massive profit potential firsthand . . .
He began sharing his research and recommendations with a small group of readers.
And it gave them the opportunity to generate triple returns — typically in just one to two years.
Take a look again at some of Bill’s best Cash Contract recommendations:
A computer hardware company for 131% returns

A clothing company for 137% returns

A computer memory and data storage company for 160% returns

A semiconductor and telecom company for 205% returns

And a multi-national technology company for 297% returns

Remember — Bill and his readers were able to cash out their profits on all these companies in less than two years!
Not only that . . .
Between May of 2015 and May of 2020, Bill’s readers were able to pocket an average of 30% PROFITS on each recommended Cash Contract . . . winners and losers combined!
That includes while the financial markets were tanking in early 2020!
Plus, what I really like about these investments is that you don’t need a six-figure trading account to get started.
In fact, you can often invest in a Cash Contract for a top-performing company for around $1,000 . . . sometimes less.
However, the more you can invest in these securities — the more money you could make!
In this “post coronavirus” market filled with volatility and uncertainty . . .
It’s smart to primarily invest in top-performing companies that have products and services that are in high demand.
And those are exactly the kinds of companies that Bill targets when finding
Cash Contracts
with the greatest profit potential!
That’s why I believe every serious investor should have at least a few of them in their investment portfolio.
And our very own Bill Spetrino is the best at finding the ones you want to own.
Join Bill’s “Inner Circle” Today . . . and Discover
a Safer Way to Increase Your Income
and Build Your Wealth Using Cash Contracts
Bill started his top-tier investment advisory service,
Spetrino’s Inner Circle,
in May of 2015.
As you could imagine by the name “Inner Circle” — it’s not a big group.
And that is by design.
In fact, Bill likes that we keep the membership limited and only promote it a few times throughout the year.
This letter serves as one of those times we open up the group to new members.
And if our invitation makes good financial sense to you — and you act quickly — then you may be able to secure a spot.
Here’s everything I’d like to give to you for taking a risk-free trial to
Spetrino’s Inner Circle
A 12-Month Membership to Spetrino’s Inner Circle
— Each month, you’ll receive Bill’s research on the best
Cash Contracts
that could allow you to double . . . triple . . . even quadruple your money within the next one to two years! Bill will ONLY be sharing what his research proves to be the best
Cash Contracts
he finds (typically 12-15 per year).
Bill’s Newest Special Report:
The Little-Known Investments That Could Quadruple Your Money in Less Than Two Years
— In it, you’ll discover everything you need to know about
Cash Contracts,
how they work, how to purchase them, and the types of companies you should invest in to have the greatest chance at doubling, tripling, even quadrupling your money over the next two years . . . and much more!
The Inner Circle Portfolio
— You’ll get access to Bill’s Inner Circle portfolio of
Cash Contracts.
Plus, you’ll have access to Bill’s portfolio of closed positions since 2015.
Weekly Podcasts
— To many of our members, these weekly podcasts are their favorite part of their membership because of Bill’s “no nonsense” talk and unorthodox insights on the markets. Each Friday, Bill records a short message and will usually go into detail on one or two
Cash Contracts
in the portfolio. You can listen to these on your daily commute, at home, or even while grocery shopping!
Trade Alerts
— When it’s time to make an adjustment to our holdings or take profits, Bill will send you a trade alert by email. These emails will give you trading instructions that you can share with your broker, or allow you to go online to make the trade on your own.
Bill’s Financial Freedom Library
— You’ll have access to over a dozen of Bill’s best special reports . . . where just one tip or recommendation from each of these special reports could help you make
of dollars in extra income this year alone . . . or save you thousands of dollars in taxes now, and for years to come!
A Free Copy of The Great American Dividend Machine
— In Bill’s bestselling book, he reveals how he got started on the road to financial independence to retire at 42 years old . . . and show you how following a few simple, easy-to-follow investing rules can set you on the path to millionaire status!
Secure Access to Our MEMBERS-ONLY Website
— Here, you can access everything I’ve mentioned above 24/7 from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Concierge Customer Service
— We are 100% committed to your satisfaction and success. So if you ever have a question, simply call us or send us an email. Our friendly, patient, and helpful staff is dedicated to our subscribers and they’ll do everything they can to assist you.

And to top it all off . . . you get Bill.
He will be the one guiding you with his investing insights, market research, and investment recommendations as you build your own portfolio of
Cash Contracts.
I can guarantee you that you won’t find anyone with a better track record than his in this business.
Bill has a treasure trove of success stories from his readers, and you can join them!
Countless people have thanked Bill for sharing his insights with them — allowing them to dramatically improve their lives.
People like Jay C., who said:
“In the last two and a half years, my portfolio has returned close to a MILLION dollars!”
Joseph L. wrote in to say:
“Every time I have followed Bill’s advice I’m batting 1.000, and I have DOUBLED my dividend income in the last 18 months!”
Then there’s Bernard E., who was thrilled to say:
“I made enough the first year to PAY OFF my granddaughter’s house in 10 months only using the dividends paid back to me!”
But this letter isn’t about them and their wealth.
It’s about you . . . and how adding just a few
Cash Contracts
to your investment portfolio could make a world of difference for your retirement.
You’ve already seen many of Bill’s winning recommendations in this letter that have allowed his readers to double . . . triple . . . even quadruple their money using
Cash Contracts.
More importantly . . .
Bill has still not closed out a single losing Cash Contract since the coronavirus started making the news in late January!
How many people can say that about their investments?!?
I don’t know of any.
And I promise you that . . . if you follow Bill’s research and recommendations:
You’ll have the chance to make more money over the coming years . . .
. . . than most investors who are still recovering from the market downturn of early 2020 and may never be able to enjoy the retirement they’ve dreamed about.
Here’s How to Claim Your Spot in
the Spetrino Inner Circle Today
We’ve recently raised our retail price for a one-year membership in the
Spetrino Inner Circle
to $1,995 a year.
And when you consider that you could make that amount — and much more — from just one Cash Contract . . . that price is an absolute bargain.
But because I know many investors have taken some financial losses since the market downturn of early 2020 . . .
I am making a special discounted membership offer.
If you’re one of the next 250 people to get started today — you’ll pay only $999.
That’s almost HALF OFF the retail rate.
And if you like, you could use your savings to put toward your first Cash Contract!
Just imagine how great it would be if you were able to double . . . triple . . . or even quadruple your money on your first investment!
But know that once those 250 spots are taken . . . that’s it.
We have close to 1 million readers on our email lists, so I’m sure those spots will be filled up quickly!
And if you are lucky enough to get in, you’ll be happy you took fast action . . . because Bill’s next Cash Contract recommendation is right around the corner!
Plus, you can try out all of Bill’s work 100% risk-free for the next 60 days.
So if you’re not happy with his research for any reason . . . or even no reason at all — simply let us know, and we’ll offer you a full and prompt refund.
But I think that you’re going to love Bill’s research and the profits it could provide you for years to come.
As I said at the beginning of this letter . . .
The entire investing landscape as we once knew it has changed.
However, despite today’s market uncertainty — there is one thing I am very excited about.
And that’s the FUTURE . . . along what it holds for you and other members of Bill’s Inner Circle.
Bill retired at 42 years old, and has made a multimillion dollar fortune in both up and down markets . . . and he plans on continuing to do so for years to come.
And this is your invitation to join him. You may never get a chance like this again.
So try out a risk-free membership in the
Spetrino Inner Circle
It could be the best financial decision you ever make.
Simply click on the link below to review everything you’ll receive when you get started, and we’ll look forward to welcoming you aboard!

Nick Moccia
Newsmax Financial Publisher